Neo4j JSON Parser

less than 1 minute read

Neo4j is a powerful graph database, that allows the storage and query of data in a graph format.

Since my transition to TypeScript and Graph theory, I’ve really enjoyed using this database, and since my previous article was about Graph Structures I thought this would be a good follow up.

Neo4j is built in Java, I still don’t really get this decision from them and when I queried why at the 2020 Graph tour the answer I got was becuase that’s the stack their initial dev team was comfortable with. From my personal experience languages like C++ are superior for databases.

Seeing as Java is the language Neo4j speaks, in order to get the data into a clean readable JSON format, that TypeScript likes to work with, I had to create a parser.

I decided to share my hard work:

Have a look at my GitHub project page to see the code: Graph data structures.

Or install it using npm i ts-neo4j-parser

Yours Truly,

The Silent Coder.